Reviewing a Turnitin Report Reviewing a Turnitin Report

Reviewing a Turnitin Report

Turnitin is a program inside of MyCourses that checks your paper for originality and plagiarism. A paper assignment that uses Turnitin will provide you with a percentage score between 0-100. Turnitin enables students to identify areas within submitted work that can be strengthened through improved paraphrasing, integration of sources, or proper citation.


  1. Click on Submission Review to review a Turnitin Report

  2. Click on Dropboxes

  3. Click on the submission for the dropbox folder you would like to view.
    submitted dropbox highlighted.png

    NOTE: If your instructor has graded your submission and left feedback, you will also see the word Feedback: Unread next to the submission. Click the submission to view your paper as well as the originality report. Click Submitted to view the submission, originality report, as well as your grade and any feedback left by your instructor.
  4. The report will be listed to the right of your attached file
    turnitin percentage.png

    NOTE: If the report states “In-Progress” the originality report is still being generated by the system. A first submission usually generates an originality report in ten minutes or less. If you are resubmitting your work after editing it, the system will take 24 hours to generate a new report.

  5. Click the percentage to view the complete report details

  6. In a Turnitin Similarity Report, the text of your paper appears on the left. Turnitin identifies similarities between your writing and passages in documents on the Internet, in databases, and from previously submitted papers. Matches appear to the right of your paper. Each color passage from your paper is matched to a source or sources that contain similar content.

  7. To the right of your paper are the available Layers (grading and similarity). Clicking each displays different information about your paper.

    • A - Instructor Feedback - click to view any feedback left by your instructor on the submission, feedback may include rubrics, text, or audio comments

    • B - Match Overview - click to view a list of all areas of the paper which have similarities to information in the Turnitin repository. Matches are color coded and listed from highest to lowest percentage of matching word area to the submission.

    • C - All Sources - click view matches between the paper and a specific selected source in the Turnitin repositories. Contains a full list of all matches found rather than the best matches per area of similarity.

    • D- Filters and Settings - click to view filters which allow you to exclude certain items from the report including quotes, bibliography, and more.

    • E - Download - click to download the paper

    • F - Information - click to view information about the paper including the submission date, filename, and word count

Using the Turnitin Originality Report:

  • Check every passage appearing in color print to see that you summarized, quoted, or paraphrased correctly, giving proper citation both in text and on your Works Cited or References page. The percentages cannot be used to determine whether material needs to be cited. The percentages/colors reflect the similarity in wording that needs to be reviewed.

  • Check the pattern of your content. Did you “chunk” or “string” information together rather than integrate it with your own thoughts/comments?

  • Tips to Remember:
    • Paraphrasing (putting information in your own words) requires a citation.

    • Charts, graphs, and images used from other sources need to be cited.

    • As a general guideline, use direct quotes sparingly.

    • Work you previously submitted at the college for credit cannot be turned in as work in another course. (see SPC’s Academic Honesty Policy)

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